Guitar Smarts

The London International Guitar Show 2023 - Guitar Smarts #88

Guitar Smarts Season 1 Episode 88

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Its been a while, but we are finally back! After a few weeks of downtime due to some illnesses, work trips and general business we are finally able to bring to you our first episode from the London International Guitar Show 2023. 

It was a fantastic show, we met many people, introduced the show to a lot of new listeners, spent a little bit of money and enjoyed looking at some truly wonderful guitars and amplifiers from some of the UK’s finest luthiers. I think it’s fair to say that we learned you don’t have to travel far in this country to find someone building absolutely world class instruments and amps, and we spoke to some wonderful guitar builders that you will hear from in this episode. There was Rich from JWJ guitars who quite frankly is making the most stunning acoustics I have ever seen and played, we also spent some time with Karl from Karl Longbottom Custom Guitars, who’s carpentry roots helped to launch him into a new career as a guitar builder and it was very clear to us that he’s got the gift for it, his guitars were some of the most stunning on show for sure, and somebody else who’s flair for design and quality of work really caught our eye was Nick Burman from Burman Guitars, not many people manage to develop their own unique guitar designs that work but Nick’s models are absolutely stunning, and they are constructed to absolute perfection. So, enjoy our rambling today on this show, and enjoy the interviews with Rich, Karl and NIck, and please go and check them out on their websites, social media pages and join their mailing lists, you will not be disappointed!

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Have a very merry time playing guitar this week, and we will see you soon!

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